Paul Rossi Stain Glass (Architectural Series) Sterling Silver Overlay Fountain Pen and Ballpoint Set.

Paul Rossi Stain Glass (Architectural Series) Sterling Silver Overlay Fountain Pen and Ballpoint Set.
Paul Rossi Stain Glass (Architectural Series) Sterling Silver Overlay Fountain Pen And Ballpoint Set.
Material: Sterling Silver, Blue Bonded Diffusion Acrylic, Marbled Blue Italian Acrylic, Ivory Acrylic and Mother of Pearl.
Mother of Pearl Inlay.
Solid Gold and Sterling Silver inlay to depict Moon.
Star Placement are inlaid, Paul studied the night sky outside and uses Star Charts for time of year and location (Los Angeles) for exact placement.
Blue Bonded Acrylic and Italian Blue Marbled Acrylic are also used underneath the overlay.
Ivory Acrylic is used for the pen cap and body.
Paul Rossi Stain Glass Fountain Pen and Ball Point Set has:
31 window frames to the cap
31 window frames to the barrel
31 window frame to the Ballpoint
38 Stars to cap
43 Stars to barrel
59 Stars to Ballpoint.
A total of 140 Solid Gold & Silver Inlay Stars. (It’s a painstaking detailed work on both the Fountain and Ballpoint Pen)
This is one of Paul’s Hand Wrought Masterpiece Work of Art.
Length: 14.3cm
Cap Length: 6.2cm
Length Without Cap: 13cm
Width: 15cm
Cap Width: 16.5cm
Length Of Ballpoint Pen: 14.8cm
Filling System: Cartridge Converter
Nib: Parker Duo Colour 18k 750 Solid Gold Nib.
Condition: New
Please Note: Paul did not make boxes or cases for his pens, those who commissioned pens from him made presentation cases for the pens he made for them.
The pens he sold to his clients he did not make a box or issued certificates the reason is because his high end pens were all signed (Except earlier works or some of the overlays he did on some major brand pen, so as not to be sued)
His pens are work of art, like all his high end work these work is signed on Both the fountain pen and the ballpoint, the clip is also signed.
Paul Rossi was a multi-talented craftsman. He began to make things at an early age, in his native Switzerland. As a teenager, he chose to acquire the finest writing instrument his money could buy, at the local stationary store, Quality and craftsmanship have always been his goals.
Paul's handcrafted pens are admired and sought by collectors throughout the world.
Rossi was an extremely talented independent pen maker.
He was head and shoulders above his contemporaries, he made pens that many independent pen makers only dream of making.
A one in a lifetime Master Craftsman.
He made one off precision parts for NASA through a 3rd party company (That was how good he was)
Unfortunately Paul passed away in June 2021
Paul Rossi is an artist, the likes of whom we may never see again, he is an artist who used the pen as his canvas.
This is not just another pen, this is a Paul Rossi Pen, it's a heirloom and a heritage pen.